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Cast list for "Newsies, Jr."

**Please accept or decline your part(s) using the link below by or before 8:00 pm on Monday, November 27th.


**Please note: Most all characters are part of an ensemble. This will be figured out at our read-thru on Monday, December 4th. There may be additional roles that need to be added in scenes also and will also be determined at our first read-thru. (We have to see who is on stage when in order to see who else can be added to a scene).


In alphabetical order by participant:


CJ Arnold - Les

Parker Burrows - Jack Kelly

Rayna Bynes - Olive / Scab 3 / Woman

Emma Clough - Ada / Scab 1

Jake Cowell - Wiesel

Scott Cowell - Joseph Pulitzer

Elisabeth Ernstrom - Jo Jo

Annabel Gilmore - Darcy / Snyder

Finnegan Gilmore - Oscar Delancey / Governor Teddy Roosevelt

Joshua Gray - Police Chief

Oliver Hennessey - Albert / Bill

Alex Joshi-Staples - Nancy / Spot Conlon

Abby King - Hazel

Atlas Lareau - Buttons

Maisey LeMay - Muriel

Audrey Morris - Bunsen

Hailey Olints - Katherine Plumber

Kalina Orlowski - Dorothy / Pat

Callie Paauwe - Davey

Ella Paciga - Medda Larkin

Avery Pomprowicz - Pigtails

Teddy Prager-McCandless - Tommy Boy

Andy Sears - Morris Delancey

Haylie Sears - Hannah

Reid Stevens - Specs

Olivia Szwed - Race

Allister Weathers - Crutchie

Brooklyn Wilcox - Ethel / Scab 2 / Seitz

Audrey Wright - Romeo


If you have any questions, please contact us at





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